Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Weigh In!

Hi everyone! Today is the day!

Be sure to weigh yourselves and update your weight in myfitnesspal. It will automatically update the badge on the blog.

A few tips on weighing yourself:

1. Weigh yourself the same time every week. Weight fluctuates so much throughout the course of a day, so stay consistent!

2. Use a digital scale! Sometimes, especially since you are weighing in every week, half a pound can make a big difference on your psyche! We use a cheap one that was only 10 dollars, but it does the trick!

How did you do this week? Did you stay strong even with Easter dinner? I was nervous with how it all went (especially since our dinner guests brought a second dessert!) But I am so excited that I am down 2.6 this week! That is my my personal record for most in one week ever! I just need to keep it up!

Greg also had his personal best of being down 5 pounds this week, but being sick all week and losing his appetite was the culprit for that one! I don't recommend that route :)

Don't forget to put this weeks weight loss in the comments section. And if you didn't lose (or didn't lose as much as you wanted) let us know what you are going to do differently this next week.

Keep it up everyone!


  1. Well you already said it in your post, but I'm down 5 pounds from last week. Some of that was just taking back off the 2 pounds that I gained in the week between the two challenges, and then the last few days I lost the other 3 just from being sick and not eating much.

    So my goal this week is to at a minimum maintain that loss, and hopefully take off another pound and I'll be well on my way.

  2. This week I lost 4 pounds. I took on 4 extra classes @ the local YMCA and then had no appetite to eat dinner. I didn't intentionally starve myself this week, but I had a major calorie deficit. Hopefully I can eat more sensibly this week and keep the weight off and lose another 1 or 2 pounds this week. I didn't do fabulous with Easter dinner, but I didn't totally blow it either!

  3. Hi Heidi,

    Question: Do we have to weigh in on Monday? I always weigh the most on Monday. Sunday.. I love you but eating more and resting makes for a bad weight on Monday.
