Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Whatche Eatin' Wednesday

This post might be a repeat for some of you who were around last challenge but I think it's important and we could all use a good reminder!

This post is going to be all about eating out! 

I will first start off by saying that eating out is hard. You lose a bit of control over what goes in your body when you don't prepare it yourself. We went out to dinner on Saturday and did okay. I filled up on a healthy soup and salad ahead of time and boxed up most of my entree for later. Here are a few tips we can all use to make the best choices when you are eating out. 

1. If you know you are going to be eating out, get a good workout in before hand, so those extra calories won't hurt as much. 

2. Check the menu ahead of time. Greg says he types the restaurant into myfitnesspal to see what comes up and what meals would work. Or look at the menu online to find something that would be healthy. Most chain restaurants post their nutrition online as well. 

2. Eat something to fill you up a bit before you go like a fiber bar, or a protein bar before getting to the restaurant so your hunger doesn't drive your food decisions. Ever gone to the grocery store hungry? Same idea. 

3. Ask them to box up half immediately so you aren't tempted to eat the entire oversized portion. This is especially true of places that are notorious for oversized meals.  

4. Order salad dressing on the side and "fork" your salad (dip fork into dressing with each bite of lettuce). You still get the flavor without all the fat. 

5. Only order water. The fastest way to burn through your calories is with sugary sodas and drinks. Water is better on your wallet too! 

And since we are on the subject of food, what is everyone eating that is helping them stay healthy? Post your best healthy food to help us all out! 


  1. I am on vacation and yes... Eating out and losing weight is hard. Since I have no choice but to eat out what I've been doing is ordering kids meals!! I have found in most cases, those meals are serving sizes or adults. The best part is that we have no fridge so if I did order an adult plate and split it into a togo box it would go bad anyway! So The tempation to over eat is not an option! Happy Wednesday! :)

  2. I have often been given a bad time for how I order when going out to eat but I figure I am paying, I should get what I want. I ask for little or no oil on the vegetables, or if I am getting shrimp I ask them to not fry them or I switch meats and sauces around so I can have one that is healthier or meats my dietary needs - my brother told them I was allergic to milk before so that they would help me out. Most places I go are pretty accommodating and in the end I get something hat is usually pretty good for me and very tasty. If this kind of ordering bothers you, disregard this post and don't go out to eat with me :0) I actually try not to make too many changes, but I don't mind asking for a couple.

  3. Also along the lines of eating out, here are a few lists of worst restaurant foods. McKay and I love to read these - they are absolutely ridiculous. They are also eye opening of how many calories can be hidden in dishes that may seem relatively healthy. It is good to realize that just because it is a "salad" or "smoothie" doesn't mean it is good for you.

    And here is one for fast food:

  4. OK - one more...
    I looked at this website and found it very interesting because they it tells you why it is the worst and then gives you a better option at the same restaurant.

    (click the "next" button above the picture to proceed to the next page)
