Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Fitness

Hi friends!

We are now entering the dreaded weekend, and to top that off, it's also Easter! My house will be full of Easter Candy, Rolls, muffins, potatoes and all kinds of Eastery goodness. I am going to do my best to fill up on fruit and salad before the heavier food comes out. Also, I am going to do a hard workout on Saturday to keep me on track. What is your plan to stay on track?

I wanted to make the topic of this post: using technology in your workouts. So far I use youtube occasionally when I am looking for a new workout routine. I especially love it for pilates and yoga. I also have this program on our treadmill that shows a video of trail runs all over the world. So my morning can be through Hawaii, Africa, or even my childhood neighborhood. And for outdoor runs I like to use to help me find a good run as well as track my distance. Of course myfitnesspal is a must, but I think pinterest is a great place as well to find more specific workouts. For instance I am teaching a yoga class to the Young Women in our ward next week and pinterest helped me craft a basic workout for them.

I have just recently entered the world of Smartphones (I know how late am I on this?). I am still adding apps one at a time and looking for some that will keep me on track with my exercise. Any good recommendations?

Good luck! See you on Monday!


  1. Heidi, I feel the same way about Easter! Too much candy in my house. My new years resolution was to eat no chocolate for 3 months. So far I have a perfect record, so I'm counting on that to help me through the weekend. Also, Clark and I are hoping to play racquetball and maybe even swim laps for our date on Saturday night, so I'm with you on the pre-easter workout!

    I also like using pinterest for new workout ideas. I'll have to try youtube!

    This is totally unrelated, but now that you have a smart phone, you should get the instagram app!

  2. The running app I use is runkeeper - I love it! I have an armband I use to hold my phone as I run which I use mostly in the summer. You can also use the app for biking, walking, rollerblading, hiking, etc.
    Heidi - if you like Pilates, I found a great website, just search for Pilates bootcamp -
