Friday, April 5, 2013

Fitness Friday

Positive Thinking: that is the theme of our post today!

Having and maintaining a positive attitude is key in reaching weight loss goals. Let me just say that one more time for emphasis: Having and maintaining a positive attitude is key in reaching weight loss goals!

Lets take two examples. Lets call the first Exhibit A. Exhibit A was excited about making some big changes in her life. She made goals, and got excited about each milestone she reached. Even when she was tired, she kept her goals in mind and pushed hard during her workouts. When she had a rough day, she forgot about it and started fresh the next day. It wasn't long before she met her goals and was thrilled with the distance she had come.

Next is Exhibit B. She was also very excited about losing weight. She made goals but knew in her heart she wouldn't reach them, just as she hadn't so many times before. But she had a tiny of sliver of hope that maybe this time was different. She got to working out and made some real progress. She dropped weight and could feel herself getting stronger. But one day after a setback, she lacked motivation. That night she was too tired to workout. She started to realize that this time would be no different. She was bitter that she couldn't eat the things she wanted and instead ate everything she wanted. The next day was the same. And by the third day she had lost hope completely.

The difference between these two examples was positive thinking. One went into this knowing she would succeed, and the other was destined to fail. The true test of success or failure is how we react to setbacks. Do we recommit and start over the next day? Or do we chalk it up to a lost cause and give up hope completely?

Stay positive! You can do this! Here is a great article about the link between positive thinking and weight loss:

And just to help us get geared up for the weekend, here is some positive thinking as you enter you get ready for some big weekend workouts:

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