Friday, February 15, 2013

Exercise to boost your brain

Hi all!

How did everyone fare this Valentine's Day? Our festivities are this weekend so I still have some temptation ahead of me. I will say that I only gave myself one piece of chocolate this whole week. Quite the feat for a chocolate love like myself!

Well this week I am going to focus on exercise and the brain. I recently read a book called "Spark: the Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain" by John J. Ratey. I was fascinating (and really science heavy just as a warning). We are always told about the benefits of exercise on the body, but this book focused on the link between the exercise and the brain. I will some up the basic points that relate to us and our exercise:

1. Exercising in the morning boosts brain activity, attention span and focus for the rest of your day. (Students had better tests scores when doing a rigorous workout before school, than those who exercised during the day- in fact, it put these kids first in the world in regard to science scores)

2. Exercise is a mood changer and can help make you happier. This is beyond jus the "runners high" or endorphin release originally thought.

3. Exercise is a major player in coping with depression, anxiety, ADD and increases your stress threshold. A 35 minute workout each day can drastically reduce the effects of these problems and some patients even weaned themselves off of medication as a result of pure exercise.

4. Exercise helps increase the repair of damage to your brain, delaying the effects of memory loss and reduces your risk of dementia.

I am hoping to make morning exercise a regular routine to get my day going, because heaven knows I could use a little extra brain power in the day.

What exercise have you been doing this week? I am going to try to do some "outdoor" running tomorrow (at a local fieldhouse) to mix it up a bit from the treadmill I've been doing this week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Heidi - what a great book. I feel like maybe I comment too much but it helps me stay motivated - that's what is important:-)
    I taught a great class on Wednesday that would be easy to do on your own, so I thought I'd share. Combines cardio and strength training so a great calorie burner! Hope you have fun trying it out.

    60 squats (can be regular, with weights, or jumping)
    4 shoulder exercises each: lateral raises, reverse flies, overhead presses
    56 squats
    8 shoulder exercises
    52 squats
    12 shoulder exercises
    Jump Rope 100 times

    48 squats
    4 Ab/back exercises each: R side rises, regular full sit ups, L side rises, back extensions
    44 squats
    8 Ab/back exercises
    40 squats
    12 Ab/back exercises
    Jump rope 100 times

    36 squats
    4 bicep curls, tricep extensions - 4 slow at 4 counts up, 4 counts down then 4 at regular speed. 4 dead lifts
    32 squats
    8 arms - 4 slow then 8 up to speed. 8 dead lifts
    28 squats
    12 arms - 4 slow then 12 up to speed. 12 dead lifts
    Jump Rope 100

    24 squats
    4 chest press, flies, push ups
    20 squats
    8 chest press, flies, push-ups
    16 squats
    12 chest ...
    Jump Rope 100

    12 squats
    4 burpees
    8 squats
    8 burpees
    4 squats
    12 burpees
    Jump rope 100

    DONE!!! (About 1 hour)
