Monday, March 18, 2013

Final Weigh-In

It's that time!

How did everyone do this week? How about overall? Were you happy with your progress?

This week I am down .2. While I wish it would have been more, I am happy with my progress thus far, even though I didn't reach the ten pound weight loss goal. I have seen a difference in the way my clothes fit and it just feels amazing to know I am doing something positive for my body and health.

This is the end of this challenge. I am going to be starting a new challenge one week from today (Monday, March 25th). If you would like to continue another six weeks, let me know. Otherwise I will be erasing the profiles and starting fresh.

Thanks everyone who participated these last six weeks!

Don't forget to comment with your final week's weigh in!



  1. I got within a pound of where I wanted to be at this point, but maybe not as solidly as I'd like. I would live to stay on for your next challenge just to help me stay motivated even though I don't think I should lose another 10 right now. My goal is another 5 - can I still stay in and receive notices? You are fabulous Heidi!!

  2. I didn't have any change this last week, so bummed...just 1 POUND away!!!

    Count me in for doing this again! I could totally lose another 5lbs!

  3. I only lost 5 pounds, but my body fat % dropped by 2-3%. We had a couple family functions during this challenge and I didn't eat as well as I should have!!! I would love to stay on for another 6 weeks. I can stand to lose another 10 pounds and this week I've been really motivated and eating good. Please keep me on for the next 6 weeks, I am also going to do better with commenting on posts! Thanks for the motivation.
